Developable surface
In mathematics, a developable surface (or torse: archaic) is a surface with zero Gaussian curvature. That is, it is a surface that can be flattened onto a plane without distortion (i.e. "stretching" or "compressing"). Conversely, it is a surface which can be made by transforming a plane (i.e. "folding", "bending", "rolling", "cutting" and/or "gluing"). In three dimensions all developable surfaces are ruled surfaces (but not vice versa). There are developable surfaces in R4 which are not ruled.
The developable surfaces which can be realized in three-dimensional space include:
Cylinders and, more generally, the "generalized" cylinder; its cross-section may be any smooth curve
Cones and, more generally, conical surfaces; away from the apex
The oloid and the sphericon are members of a special family of solids that develop their entire surface when rolling down a flat plane.
Planes (trivially); which may be viewed as a cylinder whose cross-section is a line
Tangent developable surfaces; which are constructed by extending the tangent lines of a spatial curve.