Citrus glauca

Citrus glauca, commonly known as the desert lime, is a thorny shrub or small tree native to Queensland, New South Wales, and South Australia.


The taxonomy of the Desert lime is controversial.

Under the Swingle system, it was classified in the genus Eremocitrus, a close relative of the genus Citrus. More recent taxonomy considers C. glauca to be included in the genus Citrus, and most authorities treat it this way. Citrus glauca is therefore one of the most resilient Citrus species, and is comparatively heat, drought, and cold tolerant. Hence the species is potentially important for Citrus breeding programs, and readily hybridises with many common Citrus species.

Economic uses

The desert lime fruit is a highly prized bushfood. Traditionally, it is wild-harvested from surviving bushland areas, where it is relatively common. However, C. glauca has also been extensively cleared from some areas due to the ongoing conversion of the wild bush into agricultural fields.The fruit are used in a range of products, including marmalades, beverages, and succade. It has a strong lime-like flavour. It is a thorny shrub or small tree native to Queensland, New South Wales, and South Australia.

