Deramalo is one of the woredas in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Gamo Gofa Zone, Deramalo is bordered on the southeast by Bonke, on the southwest by Kemba, on the west by Zala, on the north by Kucha, and on the east by Dita. Towns in Deramalo include Wacha. Deramalo was part of former Dita Dermalo woreda.
Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the CSA, this woreda has a total population of 81,025, of whom 41,618 are men and 39,407 women; 3,220 or 3.97% of its population are urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants were Protestants, with 46.02% of the population reporting that belief, 33.01% practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and 17.07% practiced traditional beliefs.
slowly draining the remnants of this husk slowly
fading traces of this scar still draining the remnants
of this husk a withering heart blackened by your
consuming flames my tears now fall to dust my hopes
reduced to ash burn it all after all it didn't take
too much to burn the sun out of my sky was it so easy
to watch as my dreams died faint senses you left
behind echoed this haunted form and then you buried me
alive so take what memory you embedded in my mind and
cast it to the flame burn it all i want to thank you
from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you for
reminding me to hurt this is the answer i knew from