Depth(s) may refer to:
Depth is a Indie video game developed by Digital Confectioners and released for Microsoft Windows in 2014. It is a asymmetrical multiplayer game pitting a number of treasure hunting divers against sharks.
The game is a first-person shooter which takes place in underwater environments, the player can play as either a diver or a shark. Divers purchase weapons based on both collected treasure and kills. Sharks gain new abilities by eating the opposing team. Each team has a limited number of respawns, the first to run out is the loser.
Depth began production in 2009, as a student project built as a mod for Unreal Tournament 3 by a small team led by Alex Quick of Killing Floor fame. Between 2010 and 2012 the game was ported to UDK and became a standalone game. However development eventually stalled due to game play concerns by the production team. In 2013, Digital Confectioners were brought on board to re-tune and finish the game.
Depth was put on the Steam store as a pre-order on October 16, 2014, and released on November 3, 2014. "The Big Catch" update was released on December 16, 2014, adding 2 new shark classes, 1 new map and a new game type called "Megalodon Mode."
In finance, market depth is about quantity to be sold versus unit price. Mathematically, it is the size of an order needed to move the market price by a given amount. If the market is deep, a large order is needed to change the price.
Market depth is a property of the orders that are contained in the limit order book at a given time. It is the amount that will be traded for a limit order with a given price (if it is not limited by size), or the least favorable price that will be obtained by a market order with a given size (or a limit order that is limited by size and not price). Although a change in price may in turn attract subsequent orders, this is not included in market depth since it is not known.
A country’s financial structure is composed of a mixture of banks, non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), and the financial markets. Financial depth is used as a measure of the size of financial institutions and financial markets in a country. Well‐developed financial systems are deep, i.e. sizeable relative to the overall size of the economy, and provide the economy with credit and other financial services.
Samuel Edward Konkin III (8 July 1947 – 23 February 2004), also known as SEK3, was the author of the publication New Libertarian Manifesto and a proponent of a political philosophy which he named agorism.
Konkin was born in Saskatchewan, to Samuel Edward Konkin II and Helen. He had one brother, Alan. He married Sheila Wymer during 1990 and had one son, Samuel Evans-Konkin IV. The marriage ended soon afterward. Konkin was also notable for his style of dress: "To show his anarchist beliefs, he dressed completely in black, a color associated with that movement since the late nineteenth century."
On 23 February 2004, Konkin died in his apartment in West Los Angeles, California, of natural causes. He was buried alongside his father in Edmonton, Alberta.
Konkin considered libertarianism as radical. He was an initiator of the Agorist Institute.
Konkin rejected voting, believing it to be inconsistent with libertarian ethics. He likewise opposed involvement with the US Libertarian Party, which he regarded as a statist co-option of libertarianism. He was an opponent of influential minarchist philosopher Robert Nozick, and referred to Nozick's devotees as "Nozis."
SEK may stand for:
Sek may refer to: