Dental auxiliary
A dental auxiliary is any of the dentist's supporting team who helps with dental treatment. They include dental assistants (known as dental nurses in the United Kingdom and Ireland), dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental technicians. The role of dental auxiliaries is usually limited by regional dental regulations, which help define the boundaries of treatment that can be performed.
Dental assistants
Dental assistants (or dental nurses) help make dental treatment more efficient by assisting the dental care provider. They hold and pass instruments, retract tissues and apply suction to assist better vision of the operating field. They also mix materials, help maintain dental records, and sterilize instruments and equipment. Some also engage in professional teeth whitening procedures, particularly in The Republic of Ireland where laser teeth whitening is classified as a cosmetic procedure and not dental treatment. This practice usually occurs in clinics solely devoted to laser teeth whitening and not routine dental treatment.