Delta Board Council
The Delta Board Council represents the non-contract employees of Delta Air Lines to the company's executive management and the Board of Directors.
The Council was formed in 1996, and currently comprises one representative from each of Delta's major employee operating units: Airport Customer Service, Inflight Service, Management and Administrative employees, Reservation Sales, and Technical Operations. The DBC is tasked with holding employee meetings at every level below corporate director to gauge feedback and disseminate information.
It then meets with the company's officer corp and Board of Directors, usually in private session, to present the gathered feedback, thus allowing a clear line of communication "from the break room to the board room". In unprecedented fashion at a non-union carrier, on a rotating basis, one DBC member is allowed access to all Board meetings and has historically presented information on topics of interest to the Board.
Moreover, the DBC member in the Board Room attends the Audit Committee functions of the Board. While the DBC works usually behind the scenes with Delta's leadership and the Board, it played a critical and visible role in Delta's rejection of US Airways' hostile takeover attempt initiated by CEO Doug Parker on November 15, 2006. Within hours of the bid, the Board Council began working on a counterattack and its members were credited with coining the "Keep Delta My Delta!" slogan that quickly permeated the entire airline via buttons, wrist bands, lanyards, pens, and window clings. That tagline was also adopted by Delta in the creation of the Website, which presented a wide array of arguments in opposition to Airways' proposal.