Delicious Monster
Delicious Monster is a software company based in Seattle, Washington, that sells the shareware software program Delicious Library. Its founders are Wil Shipley, one of the three co-founders of The Omni Group, and Mike Matas, who worked as an interface designer at The Omni Group. Matas left Delicious Monster in 2005 to work for Apple, but left the company in July 2009 to found Push Pop Press.
The company's name is based on the name of a plant that grows in the rainforests of tropical America, Monstera deliciosa. It is colloquially known as the Swiss cheese plant.
Delicious Library
In November 2004, Delicious Monster released Delicious Library as a Mac OS X-only media library catalog application and generated $250,000 worth of sales. The software went on to win several Apple Design Awards, including Best Mac OS X User Experience and runner-up Best Product New to Mac OS X in 2005 and Best Mac OS X Leopard Application in 2007. It is currently available as version 3.