Vibe is short for vibration, alternatively an emotional reaction to the aura felt to belong to a person, place or thing
(The) Vibe or VIBE may also refer to:
Vibe (real name Paco Ramone or Francisco "Cisco" Ramon) is a comic book superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Justice League of America Annual #2 (October 1984), and was created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton. Vibe made his live action debut in The CW's television series The Flash as Cisco Ramon, portrayed by actor Carlos Valdes.
Paco Ramone or Francisco "Cisco" Ramon's career as Vibe began shortly after Aquaman disbanded the original Justice League. When young Cisco heard that a new Justice League was forming in his own hometown of Detroit, he decided to give up his position as the leader of a local street gang, Los Lobos, to join. What made Ramon a candidate was his metahuman ability to emit powerful vibratory shock waves.
Vibe's presence on the team caused Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter to harbor some strong doubts about the new JLA, particularly after he got the League involved in a rumble with a rival gang. Vibe soon proved his mettle during the League's battles against Cadre, Anton Allegro and Amazo. He stayed with the League through the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, when his powers played a vital role in defeating Despero.
Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. The publication predominantly features R&B and hip-hop music artists, actors and other entertainers. After shutting down production in Summer 2009, Vibe was purchased by the private equity investment fund InterMedia Partners and is now issued semi-monthly with double covers, with a larger online presence. The magazine's target demographic is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture. In 2014, the magazine moved online-only.
The magazine owed its success to featuring a broader range of interests than its closest competitors The Source and XXL which focus more narrowly on rap music, or the rock and pop-centric Rolling Stone and Spin. As of June 30, 2012, Vibe has a circulation of 300,943, of which 202,439 was paid, and 98,504 was non-paid.
Quincy Jones launched Vibe in 1993, in partnership with Time Inc. Originally, the publication had been called Volume before co-founding editor, Scott Poulson-Bryant gave it the name Vibe. Though hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons was rumored to be an initial partner, publisher Len Burnett revealed in a March 2007 interview that Simmons clashed with editor-in-chief Jonathan Van Meter. Miller Publishing bought Vibe in 1996, and shortly afterward bought Spin. Private equity firm, The Wicks Group, bought the magazine in 2006.
Leben may refer to:
The term leben, variously laban, lben, labna, or labneh (Arabic: لبن, “milk," Hebrew: לבן), is used across the Arab World (Middle East and North Africa) and Israel to refer to a food or beverage of fermented milk. Generally, there are two main products known as leben: in the Levant region, strained (“Greek”) yogurt; and in North Africa (Maghreb), buttermilk. The practice of intentionally allowing milk to sour has been known since ancient times and practiced by many cultures.
Leben as a drink is traditionally prepared by allowing milk to ferment for around 24 hours, then churning and removing the butter. The remaining buttermilk can keep for several days at room temperature. In modern times, it is produced industrially.
Similar beverages:
Leben, and its variant Leban, is a surname with different origins. As a habitation surname, it is derived from the village of Leybourne: ancestors of the Leben surname lived in that village in ancient Anglo-Saxon England.
Ach sei leise!-fick dein Abitur,du gehst brav zur Schule,ich schlaf aus bis 13 Uhr.
Ich hab mein Geld,du die Eins in Mathe,wenn der Lehrer was verlangte war die Antwort
"halt die Klappe!".
Yo, ich kacke auf das Leben wie es sein muss, wenn es das ist was man will mach ich
sofort damit schluss!
Schlechter Einfluss war ich für alle Kinder, 1. Klasse, 20 Tadel, und danach war es
noch schlimmer!
Ich bin nicht nett und fetz mich mit jedem dritten,wieso glaubst du kann ich dann
einfach leise vor dir sitzen?
Du schreibst dein Aufsatz, ich häng in den Straßen ab, du willst was erreichen, doch
da draußen kackst du krass ab. Ich mach nicht schlapp, deine Mutter liebt dich nur
wenn du bei ihr chillst und noch lernst bis 20 Uhr.
Du bist so schlau, was willst du erreichen?
Was ist deine Zunkunft? Schwach?
Ein Haufen Scheiße!
Refr. (2 x)
Bist du mit dir selbst zufrieden, sag mir was bringt dir dein Leben?
Was hast du genommen und dafür zurück gegeben?
Es ist gut so wie es ist, bist du stolz drauf was du bist?
Mach es ruhig wie die anderen, es ist scheiße die du frisst!
Meine Mutter dachte damals ich geh in den Kindergarten,doch als kleiner Junge machte
ich schon Stress in meinen Straßen,klaute andern Kinder ihre Fahrräder und
Bälle,quälte lahme Tauben mit'ner Tischtenniskelle.
Wir spielten alle Rocky und ich brach mir meine Nase, früher war die Welt so groß
wie meine Fußgängerpassage
Auf einmal kam die Schule und viele große Fehler, kamm ne Pussy wollte ficken und
ich boxte meine Lehrer!
Jeden Tag das selbe,ich war ständig beim Direktor, in der 12.Klasse war mir
schließlich klar ich mache schluss!
Ich tat was ich muss,brauchst du Drogen komm zu mir!
Du willst ne heile Welt, dann schau nicht vor deine Tür
Es sind 2 Jahre und ich 3 mal vor Gericht, jeder redet irgendwas von wegen Arbeit
oder Pflicht
3 Jahre Arbeit und jetzt nur noch Arbeitsamt, ich hab aufgehört zu jobben und fang
auch nicht wieder an!
Rap füllt mein Magen,Rap lässt mich in Ruhe schlafen,ich bin unabhängig und lass
mich von keinen mehr verarschen!
Du bist nicht wie ich, also kannst du nicht verstehen, Rap fickt den ganzen Rest und
lässt euch schwul darüber reden.