GREENSBURG – The CommunityHealthcareClinic of DecaturCounty, 1821 N. Broadway Street, is ready to have its second annual basket auction. The money raised from the basket auction goes toward patient care for those in Decatur County that are ... .
From left to right, councilmen Kyle Pike, Carlton McMasters and Jacob Ladner talk to planning director candidate Steve Hohulin at a reception Friday at Decatur-Morgan CountyTourism office. [BAYNE HUGHES/DECATUR DAILY] ... .
Planning director candidate Lee Terry, center, chats with Pam Werstler and Mayor Tab Bowling at a reception on Friday at Decatur-Morgan CountyTourism. [BAYNE HUGHES/DECATUR DAILY] ... .
Civil rights attorney Attorney Lee Merritt arrives at the MorganCounty courthouse for Mac Marquette’s immunity hearing on Tuesday. [JERONIMO NISA/DECATUR DAILY] ... .
Civil rights attorney Attorney Lee Merritt arrives at the MorganCounty courthouse for Mac Marquette’s immunity hearing on Tuesday. [JERONIMO NISA/DECATUR DAILY] ... .
Their exodus after persecution in Illinois left a fractured group of Mormons marching west across the Mississippi, through Lucas and DecaturCounty... The first surveyors entered the county in the 1840s ... From this point on, Union County grew.
A Moulton man is being charged with trafficking methamphetamine after agents with the MorganCountySheriff’s Office arrested him last week following a traffic stop in Decatur that yielded a controlled substance, according to a police affidavit ... .
GREENSBURG – Bids for the 2025 DecaturCountyCourthouse lawn care contract were discussed at the Decatur County Commissioners’ most recent meeting ... .