Decanus means "chief of ten" in Late Latin. The term originated in the Roman army and became used thereafter for subaltern officials in the Byzantine Empire, as well as for various positions in the Church, whence derives the English title "dean".
The decanus was originally the leader of a contubernium, the squad of eight legionaries that lived in the same tent and the two support units/servants of the contubernium. It must not be confused with the decurio, which was a title given to civic officials and to leaders of 30-strong squadrons (turmae) of cavalry. In Greek texts, it is equivalent to the rank of dekarchos ("commander of ten").
From the 4th century, it became used for palace messengers, particularly those in the service of the Roman empress. They also apparently served as guards at gates, and in the 6th century, John Lydus equates them with the ancient lictors. In the 899 Klētorologion of Philotheos, the decanus (transcribed into Greek as δεκανός, dekanos) was a mid-level functionary, serving under the protasekretis. According to the mid-10th century De Ceremoniis of Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos (r. 913–959), he was "in charge of the imperial papers" when the Byzantine emperor was on campaign.Sigillographic evidence for the Byzantine dekanoi is relatively rare, although some are depicted in illuminated manuscripts, where their appearance varies considerably, in accord with their varying and changing functions.
If you won't come over, I won't come to your house.
If I won't come to you, I'll just live without you.
Turn this way and that, and twist like a snake.
If I want to see you, I would have to change.
Heaven wasn't in the sky, but I'll get there anyway.
If you won't come over, I won't come to your house.
If I won't come to you, I'll just live without you.
And try to remember when we could be friends,
When I used to follow everything you said.
Heaven wasn't in the sky, but I'll get there anyway.
Heaven wasn't in the sky, but I'll get there just the same.
When I try to please you, I can't see to stand.
And when you come in, you wreck everything.
I'll go somewhere far, where you never can.
I won't hear your voice, I won't feel your hands.
Heaven wasn't in the sky, but I'll get there anyway.