Debil ("Moronic") is the first full-length studio album by Die Ärzte, released in 1984, following the EPs Zu schön, um wahr zu sein! and Uns geht's prima.... The songs "Paul" and "Zu spät" were released as singles, without being successful initially. However, a live version of "Zu spät" was released as a single from the live album Nach uns die Sintflut in 1989 and became a moderate hit in Germany.
In 1987, the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons) put the songs "Claudia hat 'nen Schäferhund" and "Schlaflied" on the List of Media Harmful to Young People, with the effect that they could not be sold to minors, nor publicly advertised or displayed. This ban was lifted in 2004, which led to the subsequent reissue of the album (see below).
Following a reevaluation of the record by the BPjM, Debil was reissued on 21 October 2005 as Devil with slightly altered cover art and additional tracks.
El tiene acceso y dominio total de mi intimidad
Solo con verlo el deseo se asoma en mi pecho
Basta un que tal y humedece mi piel de femineidad
Es el ladron de mis suenos
No cabe duda es mi dueno inexplicable
Es lo que puede hacer de mi
Y como cera frente al fuego, yo me siento
Debil, sin fuerza ni control
Solo con el soy, debil
Me vence la obsesion
Soy en sus brazos, debil
Me olvido del pudor
Loca por el y debil
No hay mas explicasion
Cuando estoy sola mis manos a veces me hacen volar
Con su retrato me basta y me crecen las alas
Muerdo la almohada y estalla mi cuerpo
En la soledad
Es el ladron de mis suenos
No cabe duda es mi dueno inexplicable
Es lo que puede hacer de mi