Deathrock is a subgenre of punk rock incorporating horror elements and spooky atmospherics, that emerged on the West Coast of the United States in the early 1980s.
Deathrock songs usually incorporate a driving, repetitive rhythm section; the drums and bass guitar laying the foundation within a 4/4 time signature while the guitars either play simple chords or effects-driven leads to create atmosphere. Lyrics can vary, but are typically introspective and surreal, and deal with the dark themes of isolation, gloom, disillusionment, loss, life, death, etc.; as can the style, varying from harsh and dark to upbeat, melodic and tongue-in-cheek. Deathrock lyrics and other musical stylistic elements often incorporate the themes of campy horror and sci-fi films, which in turn leads some bands to adopt elements of rockabilly and surf rock.
The frequently simplistic song structures, heavy atmosphere and rhythmic music place a great demand on lead vocalists to convey complex emotions, so deathrock singers typically have distinctive voices and strong stage presences.
Find a better way to die,
fashion in the end in the likeness of the start
If it could only present itself in a way we could understand
The code cannot break, we will only hate
What we can't attain is an exercise in never ending pain
If we can hate, we must feel?
Deathwork begins as we sow the seeds
We'll only know one way, one fate to live out everyday
Experience is just a game for us to hate and hate again
The need for what who and when?
Nothing, nothing and nothing again
Triumph. Deathwork. No Resolve.
The way it must be, now and forever
The code cannot break, we will only hate