Death at a Funeral (2007 film)
Death at a Funeral is a 2007 British black comedy film directed by Frank Oz. The screenplay by Dean Craig focuses on a family attempting to resolve a variety of problems while attending the funeral of the patriarch. As of 2015, this is director Oz's last feature-length film he directed.
Set in England and taking place mainly at a family home, Daniel (Matthew Macfadyen) and his wife Jane (Keeley Hawes) live with his parents; when the story opens, it is the day of Daniel's father's funeral and, while in the process of organising this event, Daniel and Jane plan to purchase a flat and move away from the parental home. Daniel's brother Robert (Rupert Graves), a renowned novelist living in New York City, would rather spend his money on a first class airline ticket to England than help finance the funeral, leaving Daniel to cover the burial expenses. As guests begin to arrive at the family home, where the funeral service is to be held, he struggles to complete a eulogy, although everyone expects Robert the writer will be the one to deliver some appropriate remarks.