Administrative divisions of Texas

Texas has a total of 254 counties, many cities, and numerous special districts, the most common of which is the independent school district.


Texas has a total of 254 counties, by far the largest number of counties of any state.

Each county is run by a five-member Commissioners' Court consisting of four commissioners elected from single-member districts (called commissioner precincts) and a county judge elected at-large. The county judge does not have authority to veto a decision of the commissioners court; the judge votes along with the commissioners (being the tie-breaker in close calls). In smaller counties, the county judge actually does perform judicial duties, but in larger counties the judge's role is limited to serving on the commissioners court and certifying elections. Certain officials, such as the sheriff and tax collector, are elected separately by the voters, but the commissioners court determines their office budgets, and sets overall county policy. All county elections are partisan, and commissioner precincts are redistricted after each ten year Census both to equalize the voting power in each and in consideration of the political party preferences of the voters in each.

Administrative divisions of Wisconsin

The administrative divisions of Wisconsin include counties, cities, villages and towns. In Wisconsin, all of these are units of general-purpose local government. There are also a number of special purpose districts formed to handle regional concerns, such as school districts.

Whether a municipality is a city, village or town is not strictly dependent on the community's population or area, but on the form of government selected by the residents and approved by the Wisconsin State Legislature. Cities and villages can overlap county boundaries, for example the city of Whitewater is located in Walworth and Jefferson counties.


The county is the primary political subdivision of Wisconsin. Every county has a county seat, often a populous or centrally located city or village, where the government offices for the county are located. Within each county are cities, villages and towns. As of 2015, Wisconsin had 72 counties.

A Board of Supervisors is the main legislative entity of the county. Supervisors are elected in nonpartisan elections for two-year terms (except in Milwaukee County where the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors served four years). In May 2013, the Wisconsin Legislature passed a bill that will reduce the terms of office from four-years to two-years for the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. The type of executive official in each county varies: 11 counties have a County Executive elected in a nonpartisan election for a four-year term; 20 counties have appointed County Administrators; and 41 have appointed Administrative Coordinators. Other officials include sheriffs, district attorneys, clerks, treasurers, coroners, surveyors, registers of deeds, and clerks of circuit court; these officers are elected for four-year terms. In most counties, elected coroners have been replaced by appointed medical examiners. State law permits counties to appoint a registered land surveyor in place of electing a surveyor.

City (Jane Siberry album)

City is a 2001 album by Jane Siberry.

It is a collection of songs which mostly had not previously appeared on a regular Siberry album, comprising tracks that she recorded for movie soundtracks or in collaboration with other artists.

Track listing

  • "My Mother is Not the White Dove" (with Peter Gabriel)
  • "Harmonix/I Went Down to the River" (with Peter Gabriel)
  • "It Can't Rain All the Time" (from The Crow)
  • "Shir Amami" (with Frank London)
  • "The Bridge" (with Joe Jackson)
  • "She's Like a Swallow" (with Hector Zazou)
  • "When I Think of Laura Nyro" (from Time and Love: The Music of Laura Nyro)
  • "Calling All Angels" (with k.d. lang)
  • "Nut Brown Maid" (with Michael Grey)
  • "All the Pretty Ponies" (from Barney & Friends)
  • "Innig" (with Nigel Kennedy)
  • "Spade and Sparrow" (with Takafumi Sotoma)
  • "Narrow Bridge" (with Morgan Fisher)
  • "Slow Tango" (from Faraway, So Close!)
  • "The Kiss" (with Ghostland)
  • List of The Demonata characters

    This is a list of characters found in Darren Shan's The Demonata, a series of books that follows protagonists Grubbs Grady, Dervish Grady, Kernel Fleck and Bec MacConn on their quest against Lord Loss and his demon minions.

    "Grubbs" Grady

    Grubitsch "Grubbs" Grady is one of the main characters in The Demonata series. He is the protagonist of Lord Loss, Slawter, Blood Beast, Demon Apocalypse, Wolf Island, and Hell's Heroes. Grubbs makes appearances in Death's Shadow and Dark Calling. In Blood Beast Grubbs is afflicted by lycanthropy.

    Grady Family

    Grubbs Grady's family has been cursed with lycanthropy for many generations before the start of the first book. Bartholomew Garadex, an ancestor of Grubbs', struck a deal with Lord Loss that if he could beat him at three concurrent games of chess, then Lord Loss would cure a member of the Grady family from the curse. The tournament carried on through the generations of the Garadex/Grady family.

    Grady-MacGrigor Family Tree

    Death (metal band)

    Death was an American death metal band from Orlando, Florida, founded in 1983 by guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner. Death is considered to be one of the most influential bands in heavy metal and a pioneering force in death metal. Its debut album, Scream Bloody Gore, has been widely regarded as the first death metal record, while the band's driving force, Chuck Schuldiner, is acknowledged as the originator of extreme metal. The band ceased to exist after Schuldiner died of brain cancer in December 2001, but remains an enduring metal brand.


    Early history (1983–1987)

    Founded in 1983 by Chuck Schuldiner under the original name of Mantas in Orlando, Florida. Death was among the more widely known, early pioneers of the death metal sound along with California's Possessed. In the late 80s, the band was both a part of and integral in defining the death metal scene which gained international recognition with the release of albums by a number of area acts.

    Together with Kam Lee (Barney Kamalani Lee), and Rick Rozz (Frederick DeLillo), Schuldiner started to compose songs that were released on several rehearsal tapes in 1984. These tapes, along with the Death by Metal demo, circulated through the tape-trader world, quickly establishing the band's name. In 1984, Schuldiner dissolved Mantas and quickly started a new band under the name Death. Tim Aymar, in an article written in December 2010, states that Chuck Schuldiner renamed the band Death in order to turn his experience of the death of his brother Frank years earlier into "something positive". Its members included the same Rick Rozz and Kam Lee. Another demo was released, called Reign of Terror.

    Death (book)

    Death - Chuck Schuldiner's lyrics is a book about the American death metal musical group Death.


    Published in Iran in 2000, written and translated by a classically trained musician named Mahyar Dean who later formed the power metal/ progressive act Angband.
    The book includes English lyrics with Persian translations, introduction, biography and some short articles about some lyrics.

    The book was sent through the site keepers of to Chuck Schuldiner, who in his words was "truly blown away and extremely honored by the obvious work and devotion he put into bringing the book to life".


  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Western Society &...
  • Chapter 3: Around...
  • Chapter 4: About...
  • Chapter 5-12: Lyrics & translations
  • Chapter 13: Writings
  • See also

  • Control Denied
  • Chuck Schuldiner
  • Death
  • References

    External links

  • Death (book) on Facebook

  • Permaculture

    Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. The term permaculture (as a systematic method) was first coined by Australians David Holmgren, then a graduate student, and his professor, Bill Mollison, in 1978. The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture", but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture", as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy.

    It has many branches that include but are not limited to ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design, construction and integrated water resources management that develops sustainable architecture, regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems.

    Mollison has said: "Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system."



    Death Zone

    by: Sabbat

    There is no on every side
    Phantom of past runs after coming
    I have nothing to go any place
    Unwilling to walk too
    I am bound hand and foot
    Only nihility on every side, but only phantom is alive
    I am now between the devil And the deep blue sea
    I don't understand reason for live
    Just before going mad
    Black death alighted and smile to me
    Go mad, Here is Death zone
    Pass the time but not change of scene
    Wherever I go, ways of doing life, of unchanged time
    I have nothing to object of future
    This is the worst situation to live
    I am pain, but nobody aware of me
    I can't control of myself
    Sad expectation in the nihility world
    Strain my ears to phantom
    I don't understand reason for live
    Just before going mad
    Black death alighted and smile to me
    Go mad, Here is Death zone
    I don't understand reason for live
    Just before going mad
    Black death alighted and smile to me
