Dead Rising (series)
Dead Rising is a series of survival horror beat 'em up video games set in an open world created by Keiji Inafune. It was originally developed by Capcom until Blue Castle Games (now known as Capcom Vancouver) took over developing the franchise.
Dead Rising (2006)
The first game in the Dead Rising series. The game centers on Frank West, a photojournalist who ends up trapped in a shopping mall in the fictional town of Willamette, Colorado, that is infested with zombies.
Chop Till You Drop (2009)
A remake of the original Dead Rising for the Nintendo Wii.
Dead Rising 2 (2010)
The second game in the Dead Rising series. Set in the fictional casino town of Fortune City, Nevada, five years after the events of Dead Rising, the game follows former motocross champion Chuck Greene trying to keep his infected daughter alive.
Case Zero (2010)
An Xbox 360-exclusive download, available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The download serves as a prequel for Dead Rising 2.
Case West (2010)
A second Xbox 360-exclusive download, available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game sees the return of Frank West, the main character from the first Dead Rising game, and is set after Dead Rising 2, with Frank teaming up with Chuck.