Dayalbagh or Dayal Bagh (Hindi: दयाल बाग़, Urdu: دیال باغ) means 'Garden' (bagh) of 'Mercy' (daya), inferring "Garden of the Merciful", is a locality in metropolitan Agra in western Uttar Pradesh, India. It is the headquarters of the Radhasoami faith, where the 8th revered leader (Sant Satguru) lives and presides over the satsang (holy service).
It is a self-sustained colony, where its inhabitants lead an active, disciplined and co-operative community life, conforming to the spiritual ideals of their faith. It has affiliated educational institutes such as the Dayalbagh Educational Institute.
The colony of Dayalbagh was founded on the Basant Day (translation: first day of spring) on 20 jan 1915 by Huzur Sahabji Maharaj, the Fifth Revered Leader of Radhasoami Faith, as an ashram or a spiritual home for the followers of the faith, by planting a mulberry tree.
The colony is laid out in an open garden setting. The land where the colony was established once consisted of sand dunes. For more than 60 years residents of the colony - men and women, young and old - have worked with quiet dedication in a vast programme for reclamation of land launched in 1943 by Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj, the sixth Revered Leader of the Faith. The result is a lush green 1,200-acre (4.9 km2) farm where food-grains, oil-seeds, fodder, and vegetables are grown.
I'm so perfect you say
I'm so special, no one can compare
How can you see all these things in me?
I can't believe you
I'm looking in my funhouse mirror
I'm disgusted by what i see
I strain to catch a glimpse of the light
You claim to see around me
And the more i try to run away
The more you pull me back
And the more you try to love me
The more that i attack
I just can't see what you see in me
You want to destroy self-portraits that i paint
Through picasso's eyes
But it's hard to discard
Weapons that i use
In my daily self-destruction
And the more i try to run away
The more you pull me back
And the more you try to love me
The more that i attack
I just can't see what you see in me
I'm sitting on the corner of paranoid and hopelessness
Waiting, waiting
For you to take me away
I'm always trying to get rid of you
When what i really want
Is for you to stay
And the more i try to run away
The more you pull me back
And the more you try to love me
The more that i attack
I just can't see what you see in me
I want to see what you see
I wish i could see what you see