Daxam is a fictional planet within the DC Universe. It is home to a race called the Daxamites, who are descended from Kryptonian colonists.
In canonical continuity, Daxamites were a group of Kryptonians who had left Krypton in order to explore the Universe. They are an intensely xenophobic race, and are fearful of alien invaders. Daxam's inhabitants tend to stay on their homeworld, but some have ventured into the galaxy. Daxamites are not vulnerable to Kryptonite because The Eradicator, programmed to preserve all Kryptonian culture, altered the birthing matrix ("artificial wombs") the explorers took with them so that the newborns would be fatally vulnerable to lead. Like their Kryptonian cousins, Daxamites manifest powers and abilities similar to those of Superman when exposed to the light of a yellow star, including vast strength, damage resistance, great speed, flight, enhanced senses and heat and X-ray vision. Their own sun Valor was a red giant, so while on their homeworld, they could not have their powers.
Lay down next to me
We’ll stare out at the sea
And make believe
That nothing bad ever happens
To normal folks like you and me
Tell me ‘bout your life
Did you ever have a wife
Did she make you feel
Like somebody kind of special
When you wandered in at night
Love’s a funny game
It can make you half insane
But guys like us
Will sit through the winter showers