Datura wrightii

Datura wrightii or sacred datura is the name of a poisonous perennial plant and ornamental flower of southwestern North America. It is sometimes used as a hallucinogen. D. wrightii is classified as a deliriant and an anticholinergic.

It is a vigorous herbaceous perennial that grows 30 cm to 1.5 m tall and wide. The leaves are broad and rounded at the base, tapering to a point, often with wavy margins. The flowers are the most striking feature, being sweetly fragrant white trumpets up to 20 cm (7.9 in) long, often tinted purple, especially at the margin. Five narrow points are spaced symmetrically around the rim. It can bloom from April to October. In clear weather, flowers open at nearly full dark and wither a few hours after sunrise the following morning; in cloudy weather, they may open earlier and last longer.

The seeds are borne in a spiny, globular capsule 3 to 4 cm in diameter, which opens when fully ripe.

D. wrightii is found in northern Mexico and the adjoining U. S. states, as far north as southern Utah, in open land with well-drained soils. It is also commonly planted as an ornamental, especially in xeriscapes.



The Afterlife

by: Deteriorot

Crush – Descended from hell and darkness
Destroyed - All of my creations
Kill – Holiness endeavor
In the light – there you will die
Then he sees that he is in the light and he knows
he’s gonna die
Flashing is his life before his eyes; his life is but a lie
In the dawn of the afterlife his soul is to be damned.
His name not found in the book of life, to the lake of fire he shall be cast.
Lost – in the underworld
Redeem – sins to be burned
Perish – the soul that had no life
Escape – there’s none but punishment
Sins of life to be judged, there’s no way for you to fight.
Victims of the unholy ghost, for none to unsurpassed
In the afterlife
Sins to be burned
