Datames (Greek Δατάμης; ruled 385 BC – killed 362 BC) was a general and satrap (provincial governor) of Cappadocia under the Persian empire. A Carian by birth, he was the son of Camissares by a Scythian or Paphlagonian mother. His father being satrap of Cilicia under Artaxerxes II, and high in the favour of that monarch, Datames became one of the king's bodyguards; and having in this capacity distinguished himself in the war against the Cadusii, was appointed to succeed his father (who had fallen in that war) in the government of his province. Here he distinguished himself both by his military abilities and his zeal in the service of the king; and reduced to subjection two officials who had revolted from Artaxerxes, Thyus, governor of Paphlagonia, and Aspis of Cataonia.
He was in consequence entrusted by the Persian king with the chief command of a force designed for the recovery of Egypt; but the machinations of his enemies at the Persian court, and the risks to which he was in consequence exposed, induced him to change his plan, and throw off his allegiance to the king (c.370 BC). He withdrew with the troops under his command into Cappadocia, and made common cause with the other satraps who had revolted from Persia (the "Satraps' Revolt").
Sacrilege and blasphemy
Sets the stage today
The more insatiable the sex
The more swelled our tongues became
As pre-historic as it seems
This is now today
As pre-historic as it seems
This is now
Talkin' 'bout no vision
Talkin' 'bout no dream
The Harlot puddles for her lies
From where she speaks
I look above and see
Entrails in the sky
This one ain't over
'Til the fat lady dies
One man rules the earth
And rides the seven-headed beast
Ten diadems to crown them all
The world, religion at his feet
Dreams are told of dreams of old
This day will surely come
So, run my child and hide your face
Once you've been marked up finished, done
You'll become one
You're mine
You're one
I saw a new earth today
I saw a former pass away
I saw a new earth today
I saw a former pass away
Vengeance is mine
Vengeance is mine
The Netherworld and Sheol are never satisfied
So the eyes of man are never satisfied
I saw a new earth today