Dasvand (Punjabi: ਦਸਵੰਧ) literally means "a tenth part" and refers the act of donating ten percent of one's harvest, both financial and in the form of time and service such as seva to the Gurdwara and anywhere else. It falls into Guru Nanak Dev's concept of Vand Chhako. This was done during the time of Guru Arjan Dev and many Sikhs still do it up to this day. The concept of dasvandh was implicit in Guru Nanak's own line: "ghali khai kichhu hathhu dei, Nanak rahu pachhanahi sei—He alone, O Nanak, knoweth the way who eats out of what he earneth by his honest labour and yet shareth part of it with others" (GG, 1245). The idea of sharing and giving was nourished by the institutions of sangat (holy assembly) and langar (community kitchen) the Guru had established.
In the time of Guru Amar Das, a formal structure for channelizing Sikh religion was evolved in order to show directions to the Sikhs by preaching them the teachings of The Holy Guru . He set up 22 manjis or districts in different parts of the country. Each of these manjis was placed under the charge of a pious Sikh (both male and female) who, besides preaching Guru Nanak’s word, looked after the sangats within his/her jurisdiction and transmitted the disciple's offerings to the Guru. As the digging of the sacred pool at Amritsar, and the erection in the middle of it of the shrine, Harimander, began under Guru Ram Das resulting in a large amount of expenditure, the Sikhs were encouraged to set aside a minimum of ten per cent (dasvandh) of their income for the common cause and the concept of Guru Ki Golak "Guru's treasury" was coined. Masands, i.e. ministers and the tithe-collectors, were appointed to collect "kar bhet" (sewa offerings) and dasvandh from the Sikhs in the area they were assigned to, and pass these on to the Guru.
When I try to sing you say I'm off key
Why can't you see how much this hurts me
With your perfect talent and your perfect pitch
You're a perfect terror
When I come around, must you always put me down
If you say my singing is off key my love
You will hurt my feelings don't you see my love
I wish I had an ear like yours
A voice that would behave
But all I have is feeling and a voice god gave
You insist my music goes against the rules
Yes but rules were never made for lovesick fools
I wrote this little song for you but you don't care
It's a crooked song oh but all my heart is there
The thing that you would see if you would play your part
Even if I'm out of tune I have a gentle heart
I took your picture with my trusty Rollaflex
And now all I have developed is a complex
Possibly in vain I hope you weaken oh my love
And forget those rigid rules that undermine my dream of
A life of love and music with someone who'll understand
That even though I may be out of tune
When I attempt to say how much I love you
All that matters is the message that I bring