Dark Horizons is a movie-centric website owned and written by Garth Franklin of Sydney, Australia. Dark Horizons is dedicated to news, interviews, rumors, and reviews of upcoming and currently playing films and television projects. The focus initially was almost exclusively related to science fiction but expanded to include most genres. Its major focus remains on major studio blockbusters rather than independent or arthouse films.
The site was launched on 10 January 1997 and was nominated for a Webby Award for film in 1999.
In Nomine Aeternitatis is the second studio album by the Austrian neoclassical dark wave band Dargaard. It was released in November 28, 2000 on Napalm Records.
The music is performed in melancholic dark mood with romantic elements and symphonized sounds. Unlike the first album in which Tharen had substantial hold on the singing, in this one he mostly left the vocals to Elisabeth. The songs were composed and programmed at Stronghold Dargaard during the years of 1998 and 1999 and recorded, mixed and mastered by Georg Hrauda and Tharen at Tonstudio Hoernix in 1999.
In Nomine Aeternitatis means In the Name of Eternity in Latin.
Aus den Kampfliedern
(Alkaios von Mytilene, c. 400 B.C.)
[German translation]
Nicht mehr begreifen kann ich der Winde Streit:
Denn eine Woge wälzt sich von hier heran,
Von dort die andre. Wir inmitten treiben im Sturme
Auf schwarzem Schiffe.
Das Ungewitter bracht' uns in Todesnot.
Schon schlagen Wellen hoch über Bord und Deck,
Durchlöchert ist das ganze Segel,
Fetzen nur flattern von ihm im Winde.
Die Anker halten nicht............
Und bricht die Sturzsee über das Schiff, so schwand
Ihm jede Lust am Kampfe mit Sturm und Meer:
Man meint, die Klippe in der Tiefe
Schlägt es bald leck und zerbricht's in Trümmer.
In solchem Seesturm treibt unser Schiff dahin.