The Danes were a Northern people residing in what more or less comprised modern-day Denmark in Iron Age Scandinavia. They are mentioned in the 6th century in Jordanes' Getica, by Procopius, and by Gregory of Tours. The Danes spoke Old Norse (dǫnsk tunga), which was shared by the Danes, the people in Norway and Sweden and later Iceland.
In his description of Scandza, Jordanes says that the Dani were of the same stock as the Suetidi ("Swedes") and expelled the Heruli and took their lands.
According to the 12th century author Sven Aggesen, the mythical King Dan gave name to the Danes.
The Old English poems Widsith and Beowulf, as well as works by later Scandinavian writers (notably by Saxo Grammaticus (c. 1200)), provide some of the written references to Danes. Archaeology has revealed and continues to reveal insights to their culture, organization and way of life.
In the Nordic Iron Age, the Danes were based in present-day Denmark, the southern part of present-day Sweden, including Scania and Schleswig, now in Northern Germany. In Schleswig, they initiated the large fortification of Danevirke to mark the southern border of their realm. It was extended several times, also in the centuries after the Iron Age.
I wonder when this poison seed made a root and grew a
I wonder when I taught my feet not to walk down certain
I want to feel what I believe: that we are all the same
It’s not our houses, it’s our hearts 1000 miles apart
You stay there, and I'll stay here, into our corners we
And we don’t ever have to talk, 'cause you like hiphop
and I like rock
But sometimes thoughts hurt just as bad as striking
cheeks with hands
It’s less our homes and more our hearts 1000 miles apart
When will we have eyes to see?
When will we learn?
Will we ever have eyes to see
That from our colours we learn?
A change of heart, a change of tune, can we forgive each
other’s wounds?
Can we cut down this fence of weeds, and neighbors, close
as brothers, be?
Cannot love conquer even when we don’t look the same?