A damaru (Skt.damaru; Tibetan ཌཱ་མ་རུ; Devanagari: डमरु) or damru is a small two-headed drum, used in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. In Hinduism, the Damru is known as the instrument of Lord Shiva. The Damru was first created by Shiva to produce spiritual sounds by which this whole universe has been created and regulated. In Tibetan Buddhism, the damaru is used as an instrument in tantric practices. Sage panini listened the sound of damaru from lord shiva and the 14sutras of classical sanskrit grammer were composed.so the sound of damaru is the part of creation of grammer of divine sanskrit language which is most suit even today scientific tests of pronounciations and phonetics.
The drum is typically made of wood, with leather drum heads at both ends; . The resonator is made of brass.The height of the damaru is 6 inches and weight varies from 250-330 gm. Its height ranges from a few inches to a little over one foot. It is played single handedly. The strikers are typically beads fastened to the ends of leather cords around the waist of the damaru. Knots in the leather can also be used as strikers, also crochet material is common. As the player waves the drum using a twisting wrist motion, the strikers beat on the drumhead.
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Dino Orpheo Canterburg (born 2 July 1986, in Paramaribo), better known by his stage name Damaru, is a Surinamese singer and rapper. He is best known for his song "Mi Rowsu (Tuintje In Mijn Hart)" with Dutch singer Jan Smit.
Damaru grew up in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, in a family with six children. When he was thirteen years old, he started rapping and singing. His singing talents were a great success. Before he started his solo career, he was member of the bands "Lava Boys" and "New Jack Boys". Damaru derived his stage name from his idol Tupac Shakur: the second name of this American rapper was "Amaru". Damaru added the letter D, from his name Dino, and his stage name was born.
In Suriname, Damaru scored several hits, like "Yu Na Mi Engel" (English: You Are My Angel), "Hey Baby" and "Sranang Koningin" (Surinam Queen). In 2007, he scored his biggest hit with "Mi Rowsu" (My Rose), a song he had written for his daughter Denoura. It spent nine weeks at the peak position of the Surinam charts. In 2008, Damaru released his first movie: "Mi Rowsu The Movie".
Mag ik wat dansmuziek, meneer
Wellicht 'n wijsje van weleer
Ik dans alleen maar doe dat meer
Mag ik wat dansmuziek, meneer
U ziet mijn passen zijn wat stijf
Ah, ik heb moeite met dit lijf
Ooit was het soepel, sterk en vlug
Maar nee, die tijd komt nooit terug
Leve de man die alles heeft
Je kunt het niet indenken of hij kan het kopen
Let op de man die alles heeft
Kijk eens hoe die kijkt als hij iets moois ziet lopen
Alles van mij tot aan de horizon
Maar keek er nog één keer een meisje om
Speel nog wat dansmuziek meneer
Oh,ik heb heimwee naar weleer
Ik wil nog wel maar kan niet meer
En de herinnering doet zeer
Leve de man die alles heeft
Je kunt het niet bedenken of hij kan het kopen
Let op de man die alles heeft
Kijk eens hoe die kijkt als hij iets moois ziet lopen
Alles van mij tot aan de horizon
Maar keek er nog één keer een meisje om
Mag ik wat dansmuziek, meneer
Toe, mag ik wat dansmuziek, meneer
Ach, mag ik wat dansmuziek, meneer
Maar keek er nog één keer een meisje om
Hoe doe je dat, hoe doe je dat
Hoe doe je dat, hoe doe je dat