A Dalecarlian horse or Dala horse (Swedish: Dalahäst)[p] is a traditional carved, painted wooden horse statuette originating in Swedish province Dalarna (Dalecarlia). In the old days the Dalecarlian horse was mostly used as a toy for children; in modern times it has become a symbol of Dalarna, as well as Sweden in general. Several different types of Dalecarlian horses are made, with distinguishing features common to the locality of the site where they are produced. One particular style has, however, become much more common and widespread than others. It is stoutly carved and painted bright red with details and a harness in white, green, yellow and blue.
It was in the small log cabins deep in the forests during the long winter nights in front of a log fire that the forerunner of the Dala horse was born. Using simple tools, generally only a knife, woodcarvers made toys for their children. It was only natural that many of these toys were horses, because the horse was invaluable in those days, as a trusty friend and worker who could pull great loads of timber from the forests during the winter months, and in the summer could be of just as much use on the farm.
There was a time as a little booy
When I said I'd follow You
But the years have caused the flame
To burn much stronger now
And I'm not burning down any of my bridges
But I'm burning up inside
To flee from my religion and love my neighbor more
I'm not ashamed of the gospel
I'm not ashamed of the one I love
I'm not ashamed of the gospel
I'm not ashamed of the one I love
There was a time in my barrenness
When I felt Your pure affection
And You heard my frail petitions
To serve You endlessly
But have I loved the tree that they put You on?
Or my friend who met me at the cross?
Oh I want to sing again for my brother
And find my way down this mountain
I'm not ashamed anymore
'Cos I've felt the oil pour down over me
And there's a fire that's burning stronger now
It's burning stronger much stronger