Dacite /ˈdeɪsaɪt/ is an igneous, volcanic rock. It has an aphanitic to porphyritic texture and is intermediate in composition between andesite and rhyolite. The word dacite comes from Dacia, a province of the Roman Empire which lay between the Danube River and Carpathian Mountains (now modern Romania and Moldova) where the rock was first described.
Dacite consists mostly of plagioclase feldspar with biotite, hornblende, and pyroxene (augite and/or enstatite). It has quartz as rounded, corroded phenocrysts, or as an element of the ground-mass. The relative proportions of feldspars and quartz in dacite, and in many other volcanic rocks, are illustrated in the QAPF diagram. The TAS classification, based on silica and alkali contents, puts dacite in the O3 sector . The plagioclase ranges from oligoclase to andesine and labradorite. Sanidine occurs, although in small proportions, in some dacites, and when abundant gives rise to rocks that form transitions to the rhyolites.
The groundmass of these rocks is composed of plagioclase and quartz.
In the bag was a razor made for delicate skin
Shaved the peach fuzz, but only on my cheeks and chin
Now I'm rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
Everyday you can watch it grow
Now I'm rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
All this time finally you know
What lips are for, no one can ignore the stache
It's a big school, I think about if Tom went here
We'd be so cool, double dating at the prom next year
We'd be rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
Tender hearts, breaking one by one
We'd be rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
Ladies please, there's room for everyone
Who wants a try, no one dares deny the stache
Men of action all that matters is the bottom line
Grow a nice one and get ready for your time to shine
Keep on rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
Strain the world, let the good stuff in
Keep on rockin' the stache (I'm rockin' the stache)
Make *your stand, celebrate the skin