Abstand and ausbau languages
The framework of abstand and ausbau languages is a tool used in sociolinguistics to analyse and categorise the distinctiveness of related language varieties. Heinz Kloss coined the German terms Abstandsprache (literally: "distance language") and Ausbausprache (literally: "elaboration language," i.e. developed and standardized language) in 1952 to denote two separate and largely independent sets of criteria and arguments for deeming a variety to be an independent "language" rather than a "dialect": one linguistic, based on its objective structural properties, and the other sociological, based on its social and/or political functions.
This framework is intended to deal with situations in which multiple varieties from a dialect continuum have been standardized, so that they are commonly considered distinct languages even though they may be mutually intelligible. The Continental Scandinavian languages are usually cited as an example of this situation. One of the applications of this theoretical framework is language standardization (examples since the 1960s being Basque and Romansh).