DVC can refer to:

  • Damodar Valley Corporation, a multipurpose river valley project in India
  • Da Vinci Code:
  • The Da Vinci Code, a Dan Brown novel
  • The Da Vinci Code (film), a film based on the novel
  • Deer/Vehicle Collision
  • Delaware Valley College, a private college in Pennsylvania
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, a university administrative position
  • Diablo Valley College, a community college in California
  • Digital Video Cassette, the original name of MiniDV video recording format
  • Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas, Latin for "Precicion, Power, Speed" and the motto of the International Practical Shooting Confederation
  • Disney Vacation Club, a vacation timeshare company
  • Distributed Version Control (for example, [GitHub])
  • Distributed Video Coding
  • Divisional commander
  • Deer Valley Crew
  • Dual Valley Conference, a high school athletic conference in Massachusetts
  • See also

  • DVC 1 submarine
  • Deepsea Challenger

    Deepsea Challenger (DCV 1) is a 7.3 metres (24 ft) deep-diving submersible designed to reach the bottom of Challenger Deep, the deepest known point on Earth. On March 26, 2012, Canadian film director James Cameron piloted the craft to accomplish this goal in the second manned dive reaching the Challenger Deep. Built in Sydney, Australia by the research and design company Acheron Project Pty Ltd, Deepsea Challenger includes scientific sampling equipment and high-definition 3-D cameras, and reached the ocean's deepest point after roughly two hours of descent from the surface.


    Deepsea Challenger was secretly built in Australia, in partnership with the National Geographic Society and with support from Rolex, in the Deepsea Challenge program. The construction of the submersible was headed by Australian engineer Ron Allum. Many of the submersible developer team members hail from Sydney's cave diving fraternity including Allum himself with many years cave diving experience.



    Embalmed In Stone

    by: Dvc

    See the sky, sun, wings of the lord Don't want to die, run, fear is restored You have a brain, meat, how does it feel One step beyond the end of life Cannot be real
    Your blood is stone Your flesh is bone The air is smoke Life was a joke
    The earth is round Your mind is flat Worship the ground Dance to the cat
    Stalker circles downward souls wings Eclipse chapel of the dead silence Kingdom of creations froze veil of sleep Helpless to the beast of doom

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