A receptor activated solely by a synthetic ligand (RASSL) or Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADD), permits spatial and temporal control of G protein signaling in vivo. These systems utilize G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) engineered to respond exclusively to synthetic small molecules ligands, like clozapine N-oxide (CNO), and not to their natural ligand(s). RASSL's represent a GPCR-based chemogenetic tool.
RASSLs and DREADDs are a family of designer G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) built specifically to allow for precise spatiotemporal control of GPCR signaling in vivo. These engineered GPCRs, called RASSLs (receptors activated solely by synthetic ligands), are unresponsive to endogenous ligands but can be activated by nanomolar concentrations of pharmacologically inert, drug-like small molecules. Currently, RASSLs exist for the three major GPCR signaling pathways (Gs, Gi, Gq). A major cause for success of RASSL resources has been open exchange of DNA constructs, and RASSL related resources.
Prayer ain't no key.
Words aligned to make a puzzle of mind.
Never meant to make you free.
Prayer, insanity.
You compete for the never complete.
And it just won't make you see.
Pick your god from the lot, choose your stimulations.
More down there where they came from,
drunken revelations.
From the shadows of time,
the dead are singing their lies.
Their dirt is in your eyes,
no one who believes dies.
From the shadows of stones,
laughter of their rattling bones.
Their dirt will cover your eyes,
no one who believes dies.
Prayer, masked devilry.
Under the yoke of a cosmic joke.
And you just can't let it be.
Pick your god...