Dhrystone is a synthetic computing benchmark program developed in 1984 by Reinhold P. Weicker intended to be representative of system (integer) programming. The Dhrystone grew to become representative of general processor (CPU) performance. The name "Dhrystone" is a pun on a different benchmark algorithm called Whetstone.
With Dhrystone, Weicker gathered meta-data from a broad range of software, including programs written in FORTRAN, PL/1, SAL, ALGOL 68, and Pascal. He then characterized these programs in terms of various common constructs: procedure calls, pointer indirections, assignments, etc. From this he wrote the Dhrystone benchmark to correspond to a representative mix. Dhrystone was published in Ada, with the C version for Unix developed by Rick Richardson ("version 1.1") greatly contributing to its popularity.
The Dhrystone benchmark contains no floating point operations, thus the name is a pun on the then-popular Whetstone benchmark for floating point operations. The output from the benchmark is the number of Dhrystones per second (the number of iterations of the main code loop per second).
A serious man
In need of a definitive job
He had drunk too much
Mandrake anthrax
Pro-rae, pro-rae
Tormented tots
With Burton weeping
His idiot contacts
Pro-rae, pro-rae
Put your claim into Tempo House
Go round there to Tempo House
Go round and have a grouse
Put your claim into Tempo House
Roll the chubby round jowls
Roll the chubby round jowls
And Burton's weeping
His chairs are weeping
God damn the pedantic Welsh
Pro-rae, pro-rae
Put your claim into Tempo House
Go round there to Tempo House
Go there and have a grouse
Put your claim into Tempo House
I'd sing ";Solitaire"; for the B.E.F.
But who wants to be with them, anyway?
Snow on Easter Sunday
Jesus Christ in reverse
I tell ya, the Dutch are weeping
In four languages at least
And Burton is weeping
Put your claim into Tempo House
Put your claim into Tempo House
Go round and have a grouse
Put your claim into Tempo House
Illness, pollution, should be encouraged and let loose
Then maybe some would have a genuine grouse
Spring right out of the fetters
Right away from 63 Market Place
Tempo House address
Pro-rae, pro-rae
Winston Churchill had a speech imp-p-p-pediment
And look what he did
He razed half of London
And the Dutch are weeping
Lusted after French paintings
Pro-rae, pro-rae
Put your claim into Tempo House
Go round there and have a grouse
Go round, have a grouse
Put your claim into Tempo House