DJ Concept
DJ Concept is DJ & producer from Long Island, New York. He is the co-founder of The Bash Brothers DJ Crew along with DJ Mickey Knox.
Between 2001 & 2007, Concept linked up with producer/mc Undefined to form the group Crisis Center. They put out 2 records: Volume 1 & Version 2.0 & won a best rap duo award at The Underground Music Awards in NYC. Concept was also the host of the Nationwide hip hop mixshow,The Mix Chronicles, on Sirius Satellite Radio. His debut album, Heavy Smoke, was released in May 2010. The entire album is produced by Concept. After Heavy Smoke, he released a few EPs with different MCs as well as a number of conceptual beat tapes, including one made completely on one flight from JFK to LAX. Concept is also one half of the NY rap duo Dirt Disciples with Rome Clientel
2015 - Twas The Night (Beat Tape)
2015 - The Ambition EP (Dirt Disciples)
2014 - Rome Clientel X DJ Concept Are Dirt Disciples (Bonus Edition)
2014 - Rome Clientel X DJ Concept Are Dirt Disciples (Hand Stamped - Limited Edition CD)