DIT may refer to:

  • Defining Issues Test, a quantitative test of moral reasoning by James Rest
  • Dehradun Institute of Technology, an engineering college of India
  • Delhi Institute of Technology
  • Detroit Institute of Technology
  • Dublin Institute of Technology
  • Digital Imaging Technician - film industry term
  • DigiPen Institute of Technology
  • Directory Information Tree (in implementations of LDAP and X.500)
  • Dual inheritance theory
  • Dietary induced thermogenesis, the component of total metabolism that is based on the energy required to digest, process, and store food
  • Diiodotyrosine
  • Drug induced thrombocytopenia
  • Doctor of Information Technology
  • dit can mean:

  • a synonym for Ban (unit), a logarithmic unit which measures information or entropy
  • the shorter of the two symbols used in Morse code
  • a French narrative poetic form of the Middle Ages (see Medieval French literature)
  • Medieval French literature

    Medieval French literature is, for the purpose of this article, literature written in Oïl languages (particularly Old French and early Middle French) during the period from the eleventh century to the end of the fifteenth century.

    The material and cultural conditions in France and associated territories around the year 1100 unleashed what the scholar Charles Homer Haskins termed the "Renaissance of the 12th century" and, for over the next hundred years, writers, "jongleurs", "clercs" and poets produced a profusion of remarkable creative works in all genres. Although the dynastic struggles of the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death pandemic of the fourteenth century in many ways curtailed this creative production, the fifteenth century laid the groundwork for the French Renaissance.

    For historical background go to History of France, France in the Middle Ages or Middle Ages

    For other national literary traditions, go to Medieval literature


    Up to roughly 1340, the Romance languages spoken in the Middle Ages in the northern half of what is today France are collectively known as "ancien français" ("Old French") or "langues d'oïl" (languages where one says "oïl" to mean "yes"); following the Germanic invasions of France in the fifth century, these Northern dialects had developed distinctly different phonetic and syntactical structures from the languages spoken in southern France. The language in southern France is known as "langue d'oc" or the Occitan language family (a language where one says "oc" to mean "yes"), also known under the name of one of iys dialects, the Provençal language). The Western peninsula of Brittany spoke Breton, a Celtic language. Catalan was spoken in the South, and Germanic languages and Franco-Provençal were spoken in the East.

    Ban (unit)

    A ban, sometimes called a hartley (symbol Hart) or a dit (short for decimal digit), is a logarithmic unit which measures information or entropy, based on base 10 logarithms and powers of 10, rather than the powers of 2 and base 2 logarithms which define the bit.

    As a bit corresponds to a binary digit, so a ban is a decimal digit. A deciban is one tenth of a ban; the name is formed from ban by the SI prefix deci-.

    One ban corresponds to log2(10) bit = ln(10) nat, or approximately 3.32 bit, or 2.30 nat. A deciban is about 0.33 bit.


    The ban and the deciban were invented by Alan Turing with I. J. Good in 1940, to measure the amount of information that could be deduced by the codebreakers at Bletchley Park using the Banburismus procedure, towards determining each day's unknown setting of the German naval Enigma cipher machine. The name was inspired by the enormous sheets of card, printed in the town of Banbury about 30 miles away, that were used in the process.

    Jack Good argued that the sequential summation of decibans to build up a measure of the weight of evidence in favour of a hypothesis, is essentially Bayesian inference.Donald A. Gillies, however, argued the ban is, in effect, the same as Karl Popper's measure of the severity of a test.



    30 Minut (30 Minutes)

    by: T.A.T.U.

    "30 Minut (30 Minutes)"
    Zarevet ubezhat
    Ili dver na zamok
    I molchat I lezhat
    Izuchat potolok
    I mechtat ne kad vse
    Tselovat nebesa
    Potolok karusel
    Polchasa polchasa
    Polchasa poezda pod otkos
    Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
    Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
    Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
    Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
    Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
    Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
    po svoim adresam Polchasa
    Sorvalas I kak vse
    Kak vo sne
    Ya ni ya
    Ne moya karusel
    I mechta ne moya
    Ili dym, ili grust
    Ili dozhd, po glazam
    Ya vernus, ya vernus
    Polachasa, polchasa
    Polchasa poezda pod otkos
    Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
    Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
    Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
    Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
    Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
    Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
    po svoim adresam

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