DGF may refer to
Danmarks gamle Folkeviser is a collection of (in principle) all known texts and recordings of the old Danish popular ballads. It drew both on early modern manuscripts, such as Karen Brahes Folio, and much more recent folk-song collecting activity.
It was started in 1853 by Svend Grundtvig. During the nineteenth century, Axel Olrik was also heavily involved, editing volumes 6-8. The work was continued in the twentieth century by new generations of folklorists, and in 1976 comprised 12 volumes, containing 539 ballad types, often with many variants of each type.
Grundtvig's division of the ballad types into categories has mostly been adopted in later ballad collections, e.g. by F. J. Child, and by modern researchers in the field. However, many of the ballads he classed as 'historic' now have been reclassified. Grundtvig's classifications were:
This is just where the story begins,
so get up, pull your head in
The pride, the guts, the strength, the will,
of the youth is born, and we’ll never be torn
You’ll find us anywhere and everywhere,
at anytime but this time is the time we care
Reach out, sing out “brace your self for the ride you got to hold on tight”
Reach out, and realize, we are the youth this year call out so all can hear
Punch your words in the air, we are the youth who care
Seek for, one more lover & friend, wait for it to all begin
With hands up high, we say good bye, to the things we fear,
come on join in my dear
You’ll find us anywhere and everywhere,
at anytime but this time is the time we care,
it’s the time we care
This is just were the story begins
The Pride, the guts, the strength,
the will of the youth is born