The Disabled-1 (Dab1) gene encodes a key regulator of Reelin signaling. Reelin is a large glycoprotein secreted by neurons of the developing brain, particularly Cajal-Retzius cells. DAB1 functions downstream of Reln in a signaling pathway that controls cell positioning in the developing brain and during adult neurogenesis. It docks to the intracellular part of the Reelin very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) and apoE receptor type 2 (ApoER2) and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated following binding of Reelin to cortical neurons. In mice, mutations of Dab1 and Reelin generate identical phenotypes. In humans, Reelin mutations are associated with brain malformations and mental retardation. In mice, Dab1 mutation results in the scrambler mouse phenotype.
With a genomic length of 1.1 Mbp for a coding region of 5.5 kb, DAB1 provides a rare example of genomic complexity, which will impede the identification of human mutations.
We've got trouble
something's just not right
Just this mornin' you
cried about last night
You said that somethin's
bound to break this time
What's breakin' is my heart
I can read between the lines
It's tearin' me apart
you've got leavin' on your mind
But you're my angel baby
Yes you're my angel baby
Woh you're my angel baby
for the rest of the night
Do you remember
how it used to be?
Lovin' was easier
when you were lovin' me
I guess you found
someone and now I find
What's breakin' is my heart
You've got leavin' on your mind
What's breakin' is my heart
I can read between the lines
It's tearin' me apart
you've got leavin' on your mind
For the rest of the night
(Angel Baby) the rest of the night
(Angel Baby, Angel Baby)
the rest of the night
(Angel Baby) the rest of the night
(Angel Baby) the rest of the night