Czechization (Czech: čechizace; German: Tschechisierung) is a cultural change in which something ethnically non-Czech is made to become Czech.
This concept is especially relevant in relation to the Germans of Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia as well as the Poles of Zaolzie who have come under increased pressure of Czechization after the breakup of Austria-Hungary and the formation of a Czechoslovak nation state in 1919 (see Germans in Czechoslovakia (1918-1938)); to a smaller extent, it has also occurred with Slovaks and Rusyns.
Czechization involving Germany/Germans
With the expulsion of the majority of Germans and the partial resettlement of previously German speaking parts of Czechoslovakia by Czechs, these territories became Czechized after World War II. (see Expulsion_of_Germans_from_Czechoslovakia)
"In June 1905, the German language paper Bohemia of Prague reported Czechization in Saxony, Germany after a great influx of Czech workers had Czechified the town of Ostritz. According to Saxon officials the reports were greatly exaggerated. They conceded that while Czech speakers in Saxon communities were fewer than popularly supposed, they were nevertheless worth watching."