Cyphostemma is a flowering plant genus belonging to the family Vitaceae. These species are caudiciform and used to belong to the genus Cissus. The genus name comes from Greek kyphos, meaning hump, and stemma, meaning garland.
Within the Vitaceae, Cyphostemma is most closely related to Cayratia and Tetrastigma.
They originate from Africa, in particular from Madagascar.
Selected species
There are about 260 species in the genus.
C. abercornense Wild & R.B.Drumm.
C. adamii Desc.
C. adenanthum (Fresen.) Desc.
C. adenocarpum (Gilg & M.Brandt) Desc.
C. adenocaule (Steud. ex A.Rich.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B.Drumm.
C. adenocephalum (Gilg & M.Brandt) Desc.
C. adenopodum (Sprague) Desc.
C. agnus-castus (Planch.) Desc.
C. allophyloides (Gilg & M.Brandt) Desc.
C. alnifolium (Schweinf. ex Planch.) Desc.
C. amplexicaule Desc.
C. anatomicum (C.A.Sm.) Wild & R.B.Drumm.
C. ankirihitrensis Desc.
C. auriculata (Roxb.) P.Singh & B.V.Shetty
C. auriculatum (Roxb.) P.Singh & B.V.Shetty
C. bainesii (Hook.f.) Desc.