Cyclic ozone
Cyclic ozone is a theoretically predicted form of ozone. Like ordinary ozone (O3), it would have three oxygen atoms. It would differ from ordinary ozone in how those three oxygen atoms are arranged. In ordinary ozone, the atoms are arranged in a bent line; in cyclic ozone, they would form an equilateral triangle.
Some of properties of cyclic ozone have been predicted theoretically. It should have more energy than ordinary ozone.
There is evidence that tiny quantities of cyclic ozone exist at the surface of magnesium oxide crystals in air. Cyclic ozone has not been made in bulk, although at least one researcher has attempted to do so using lasers.
It has been speculated that, if cyclic ozone could be made in bulk, and it proved to have good stability properties, it could be added to liquid oxygen to improve the specific impulse of rocket fuel.