The Cyclades (/ˈsɪklədiːz/; Greek: Κυκλάδες, [cikˈlaðes]) are an island group in the Aegean Sea, southeast of mainland Greece and a former administrative prefecture of Greece. They are one of the island groups which constitute the Aegean archipelago. The name refers to the islands around (κυκλάς) the sacred island of Delos. The Cyclades is where the native Greek breed of cat (the Aegean cat) originated.
The significant Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Cycladic culture is best known for its schematic, flat idols carved out of the islands' pure white marble centuries before the great Middle Bronze Age ("Minoan") culture arose in Crete, to the south: these figures have been looted from burials to satisfy a thriving Cycladic antiquities market since the early 20th century.
A distinctive Neolithic culture amalgamating Anatolian and mainland Greek elements arose in the western Aegean before 4000 BCE, based on emmer wheat and wild-type barley, sheep and goats, pigs, and tuna that were apparently speared from small boats (Rutter). Excavated sites include Saliagos and Kephala (on Keos) with signs of copper-working, Each of the small Cycladic islands could support no more than a few thousand people, though Late Cycladic boat models show that fifty oarsmen could be assembled from the scattered communities (Rutter), and when the highly organized palace-culture of Crete arose, the islands faded into insignificance, with the exception of Delos, which retained its archaic reputation as a sanctuary throughout antiquity and until the emergence of Christianity.
The CYCLADES packet switching network (French pronunciation: [siklad]) was a French research network created in the early 1970s. It was developed to explore alternatives to the ARPANET design and to support network research generally. The experiences with the network had influences on the design of Internet protocols.
The CYCLADES network was the first to make the hosts responsible for the reliable delivery of data, rather than the network itself, using unreliable datagrams and associated end-to-end protocol mechanisms. These concepts were later used in the Internet protocol; CYCLADES was one of the predecessor systems with the greatest technical influence on the Internet.
The network was sponsored by the French government, through the Institut de Recherche en lnformatique et en Automatique (IRIA), the national research laboratory for computer science in France (now known as INRIA), which served as the co-ordinating agency. Several French computer manufacturers, research institutes and universities contributed to the effort. CYCLADES was designed and directed by Louis Pouzin.
If ever you think about the happiest days of your life
Cast back your mind for a while
And remember the time when you were a child.
Don't think of things that make you sad,
Just remember all the good times that you had.
Do you remember only happy days,
Full of flaming Junes and summer holidays?
Or do you remember those stormy Novembers
When we walked in the wind and the rain?
Schooldays were such happy days
Now they seem so far away,
I remember and I'll always treasure.
Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
But we never appreciate the good times we have
Until it's too late.
I miss all the acquaintances we made
And I'd go back if I could only find a way,
Schooldays were the happiest days
Though at the time they filled me with dismay.
We only remember what we choose to remember.
When I was a schoolboy I loathed regulations and rules
I hated my textbooks and my school uniform,
'Cos it made me conform,
And teachers were always disobeyed,
But I'd go back if I could only find a way.
Schooldays were the happiest days,
Now they seem so far away.
I remember and I'll always treasure
Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
But we never appreciate the good times we have
Until it's too late.
Now I wish I hadn't strayed,
And I'd go back if I could only find a way.