Cutleria (animal)
Cutleria is an extinct genus of basal sphenacodontid or derived stem-sphenacodontoid known from the Early Permian period (Asselian to mid-Sakmarian stage) of the Colorado, USA. It contains a single species, Cutleria wilmarthi.
Cutleria is known only from the holotype specimen USNM 22099, fractured but three-dimensionally preserved, nearly complete skull and articulated partial postcranial skeleton (including vertebral column, ribs and several girdle and limb elements). It was collected at locality 3, near Placerville of San Miguel County, Colorado, from the Cutler Formation, dating to the Asselian to mid-Sakmarian stage of the Cisuralian series, about 299-290 million years old.MCZ 2987, a tip of the rostrum and some teeth collected 2.5 km from the type locality (from localities 11-13), was originally referred to C. wilmarthi by Lewis and Vaughn (1965). A redescription of sphenacodonts by Michel Laurin (1993 and 1994), revealed that it can't be assigned to any named sphenacodont genus. Although its teeth also bear cutting edges without serrations, they are more bulbous, not as strongly compressed laterally and not curved distally. A new genus wasn't erected for MCZ 2987, as it is very fragmentary and lacks sufficient diagnostic features.