Rat running

Rat running or cut-through driving is the practice by motorists of using secondary roads, cemetery roads, or residential side streets instead of the intended main roads in urban or suburban areas. It is a tactic used to avoid heavy traffic, long delays at traffic signals or other obstacles, even where there are traffic calming measures to discourage its use or laws against taking certain routes. Rat runs are frequently taken by motorists familiar with the local geography. They will often take such shortcuts to avoid busy main roads and intersections.

Rat running is controversial. It is sometimes opposed by homeowners on the affected streets, as some people regard it as a disturbance of their peace. Sometimes, it affects house prices. Authorities often try to prevent it, but enforcement is difficult. Rat running is sometimes fought by installing traffic calming devices, such as all-way stops, speed humps, traffic circles, and rumble strips, by making some streets one-way, or by blocking off certain intersections. Some places, including Montgomery County, Maryland; Maryland Heights, Missouri; and parts of Minneapolis, Minnesota, have banned turning on certain streets during rush hours to prevent rat running.

