A custumal is a medieval English document, usually edited and composed over time, that stipulates the economic, political, and social customs of a manor or town.
Manorial Custumals
The National Archives define custumal as "an early type of survey which consists of a list of the manor's tenants with the customs under which each held his house and lands." Custumals were compiled in Latin, Anglo-French or Law French and sometimes mixed fragments in different languages. They were commonly preceded with a standard formula in French: Ces sount les usages, et les custumes le ques ... (There are the usages and customs of ...). Custumals existed in two distinct forms:
A survey, or an inventory of rents and services ("customs") owed by each tenant of the manor; this form was relatively uncommon.
An inventory of the customs of the manor itself which summarized its regular agricultural, trading and financial activities. This was the most common form, usually complete with a local code of laws, a summary of oral sworn tradition, in-house manorial rolls and written legal arrangements between the landlord and his tenants.