Cusp is a science fiction novel written by Robert A. Metzger, in the category of hard science fiction. It deals with two perpendicular rings running along the Earth's surface, that act as cosmic jets, using ionized hydrogen. In this universe, the fusion of organic and non organic material is an everyday thing. Multiple characters are portrayed in the story, and it is told from a third-person narrative.
Carl Hays reviewing for Booklist said that "Metzger’s background as a telecommunications scientist enables a brilliant, sprawling vision of humanity in the late twenty-first century."Kirkus Reviews was mixed in their coverage saying that Cusp was "Overcomplicated by several orders of magnitude, with anonymous characters mystifyingly associated with a ferocious and largely unfathomable plot. Still, minds will boggle at the extravagance of Metzger's imagination.
Cusp may refer to:
In mathematics a cusp, sometimes called spinode in old texts, is a point on a curve where a moving point on the curve must start to move backward. A typical example is given in the figure. A cusp is thus a type of singular point of a curve.
For a plane curve defined by a differentiable parametric equation
a cusp is a point where both derivatives of f and g are zero, and at least one of them changes of sign. Cusps are local singularities in the sense that they involve only one value of the parameter t, contrarily to self-intersection points that involve several values.
For a curve defined by an implicit equation
cusps are points where the terms of lowest degree of the Taylor expansion of F are a power of a linear polynomial; however not all singular points that have this property are cusps. In some contexts, and in the remainder of this article, one restricts the definition of a cusp to the case where the non-zero part of lowest degree of the Taylor expansion of F has degree two.
A cusp is a pointed, projecting, or elevated feature. In animals, it is usually used to refer to raised points on the crowns of teeth.
A cusp is an occlusal or incisal eminence on a tooth. Canine teeth, otherwise known as cuspids, each possess a single cusp, while premolars, otherwise known as bicuspids, possess two each. Molars normally possess either four or five cusps. In certain populations the maxillary molars, especially first molars, will possess a fifth cusp situated on the mesiolingual cusp known as the Cusp of Carabelli.
Buccal Cusp One other variation of the upper first premolar is the 'Uto-Aztecan' upper premolar. It is a bulge on the buccal cusp that is only found in Native American Indians, with highest frequencies of occurrence in Arizona. The name is not a dental term; it comes from a regional linguistic division of Native American Indian language groups.
Buccal-The side of a tooth that is adjacent to (or the direction towards) the inside of the cheek, as opposed to lingual or palatal, which refer to the side of a tooth adjacent to (or the direction towards) the tongue or palate, respectively. Although technically referring only to posterior teeth (where the cheeks are present instead of lips, use of this term may extend to all teeth, anterior and posterior), this term may be employed to describe the facial surface of (or directions in relation to) anterior teeth as well.[1]
A novel is a long narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.
The genre has also been described as possessing "a continuous and comprehensive history of about two thousand years". This view sees the novel's origins in Classical Greece and Rome, medieval, early modern romance, and the tradition of the novella. The latter, an Italian word used to describe short stories, supplied the present generic English term in the 18th century. Ian Watt, however, in The Rise of the Novel (1957) suggests that the novel first came into being in the early 18th century,
Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, is frequently cited as the first significant European novelist of the modern era; the first part of Don Quixote was published in 1605.
The romance is a closely related long prose narrative. Walter Scott defined it as "a fictitious narrative in prose or verse; the interest of which turns upon marvellous and uncommon incidents", whereas in the novel "the events are accommodated to the ordinary train of human events and the modern state of society". However, many romances, including the historical romances of Scott,Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, are also frequently called novels, and Scott describes romance as a "kindred term". Romance, as defined here, should not be confused with the genre fiction love romance or romance novel. Other European languages do not distinguish between romance and novel: "a novel is le roman, der Roman, il romanzo."
Moon of Israel is a novel by Rider Haggard, first published in 1918 by John Murray. The novel narrates the events of the Biblical Exodus from Egypt told from the perspective of a scribe named Ana.
Haggard dedicated his novel to Sir Gaston Maspero, a distinguished Egyptologist and director of Cairo Museum.
His novel was the basis of a script by Ladislaus Vajda, for film-director Michael Curtiz in his 1924 Austrian epic known as Die Sklavenkönigin, or "Queen of the Slaves".
A novel is a long prose narrative.
Novel may also refer to: