The Curculionidae comprise the family of the "true" weevils (or "snout beetles"). It is the third-largest animal family, with over 40,000 species described worldwide. It is surpassed only by the Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), with over 60,000 species, and the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera), with 58,000 species.
It also includes the bark beetles as subfamily Scolytinae, which are modified in shape in accordance with their wood-boring lifestyle. They do not much resemble other weevils, so they were traditionally considered a distinct family, Scolytidae. The family also includes the ambrosia beetles, of which the present-day subfamily Platypodinae was formerly considered the distinct family Platypodidae.
They are recognized by their distinctive long snouts and geniculate antennae with small clubs; beyond that, curculionids have considerable diversity of form and size, with adult lengths ranging from 1 to 40 mm (0.04 to 1.57 in).
Weevils are almost entirely plant feeders, and most species are associated with a narrow range of hosts, in many cases only living on a single species. With so many species to classify and over 400 genera, the taxonomy of this family is quite complicated, and authors disagree on the number and placement of various subfamilies, tribes, and subtribes.
Please stay for a while there’s no need to leave
The night is still young I need you here with me.
When your by my side feel like i got everything,
like the world is passing by me.
These nights just mean so much to me.
I feel like i've got everything.
Its like im in a dream when your there by my side
but i never wake up its so amazing inside.
And i wish this could be till the end of all time,
please stay here with me.
Without you my life would be so incomplete.
You make me feel so amazing inside....
And I wish that kept going full time
Your like my own star guiding me through this life
I’d be lost without you by my side
All those times that we’ve had, all those moments
We’ve shared, you are my everything
I put down my guitar,
Leave my home just to see,
You feel the same way about me
As these days pass on by, we both
Have memories to share, we’ll stay up all
Night watching stars, and then we’ll drive all through the
Night, sleep all through the day, then ill wake up by your side
And thank god that I’m here
These nights just mean so much to me.
I feel like i've got everything.