William Tucci
William (Billy) Tucci (born 13 August 1966, New York, New York) is an illustrator, writer and filmmaker best known among American comic book audiences for his creator-owned title and character, Shi. Tucci is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, located in New York, New York.
Crusade Comics
Crusade Comics was founded by Billy Tucci in a one bedroom apartment in Queens, New York, through which he publishes both his personal projects, as well as work from other up and coming creators. Crusade Comics' flagship title, Shi, has sold over four million comic books and grossed over $25 million in sales since debuting in March 1994. Several comic characters, including Top Cow’s Witchblade and David Mack’s Kabuki, actually debuted in Shi.
Shi has been featured on Fox, NBC, and E! television while also gaining recognition in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The character has also crossed over with many comic book icons including Daredevil, Witchblade, Vampirella and Wolverine. For more than two years Shi: The Way of the Warrior number one remained atop Wizard Magazine's top ten comics list, a record for any single issue that still stands. Billy is also one of the few comic book creators recognized by Wizard on both their top ten artists and writers lists.