Crnogorski Telekom
Crnogorski Telekom is the leading telecommunications operator based in Podgorica, Montenegro.
General introduction
Crnogorski Telekom (CT) is the largest telecommunications company in Montenegro. It provides a full range of fixed-line, mobile, IPTV, and internet telecommunication services. Crnogorski Telekom is the main fixed-line service provider in Montenegro. Its exclusive rights expired in 2003. Crnogorski Telekom provides local, national, and international services, in addition to a wide range of telecommunications services involving leased-line circuits and data networks.
On April 1, 2005, Magyar Telekom obtained a 76.53% interest in Crnogorski Telekom and thus became the majority owner of the Company. Deutsche Telekom AG holds 59.21% of the Magyar Telekom shares. Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom have a number of subsidiaries worldwide, with whom Crnogorski Telekom has regular transactions.
For the past six years, Crnogorski Telekom's major operational goals have been to finalize digitalization of the fixed-line network and to increase the capacity and reliability of the data network, consequently creating conditions for an increase in subscribers to broadband and voice services. The digitalization rate reached 100% by the end of 2007 and ADSL coverage reached almost 96% of the PSTN customer base by the end of 2010.