Phil Ber
wake-wakin’ up, in a lonely bed
bombs blowin’ up
{sh*t it’s the phone}
up in, in my head
pick up the phone
it’s those dulcet tones
telling lies masked as gold
it’s another night you ain’t home
you’ve eaten this apple
right down to the core
nibbled inside
ain’t got the taste for it no more
so while you cruise in the Benz
I’ve called ‘round my friends
we’ll break out the Dom
throw your sh*t on the lawn
and celebrate as the rain’s pouring down
baby, I’ve got class…manners smooth as Ella
so give me the respect…you’d be giving Oprah
when you have integrity…sing it Mary J
I’ll show you beauty…eyes poppin’ like it’s Beyonce
got to keep it in the crib…baby, I’ve got class
got to keep it in the crib…so give me respect
got to keep it in the crib…you need integrity
got to keep it in the crib…
to have inner beauty
there are only a few words
you got to learn
when its not in the crib
you’ll be out on the curb
stop banging on, on my front door
got kryptonite
can’t hypnotise me no more
you think that love
that love is a sport
with the games you play
dribbling on any old court
there’s not gonna be
any goodbyes and cryin’
do you see the tears
the mascara ain’t runnin
when you’re all alone
please remember
oh so fondly
of how much you loved me
I gave you a taste of heaven
you’ll be craving it always …
gotta open up
and talk it out
but if you can’t tell it straight
then I’ll be walking on out
gotta love myself first
not place second in your world
no consolation prize
can cover up all the hurt
got the mink coats
and the mansion home
and your on the curb stuck on your own