In Greek mythology, four people had the name Creusa (/kriːˈuːsə/; Ancient Greek: Κρέουσα Kreousa); the name simply means "princess".
According to Pindar's 9th Pythian Ode, Creusa was a Naiad and daughter of Gaia who bore Hypseus, future King of the Lapiths, to the river god Peneus. Through Hypseus she was grandmother of Cyrene, one of the best known lovers of Apollo.
Creusa - also known by the name Glauce, e.g. in Apollodorus's Bibliotheca 1.9.28. - was the daughter of King Creon of Corinth, Greece, in whose favor Jason abandoned Medea. In the version of the myth commonly followed by ancient tragedians, Medea obtained her revenge by giving Creusa a dress that had been cursed by the sorceress. The curse caused the dress to stick to Creusa's body and burn her to death as soon as she put it on.
Creusa was the daughter of Erechtheus, King of Athens and his wife, Praxithea, who was spared the fate of her sisters (see Chthonia) because she was an infant at the time they had sworn to commit suicide if one of them died. Apollodorus mentions her as the mother of Achaeus and Ion by her husband Xuthus; she is presumably also the mother of Xuthus' daughter Diomede.
Stupid little fucker from outer space
I don't wanna see your ugly face
Lame ass shit go to the show
Shut your mouth what do you know
Oi!!(yeah whatever)
Follow every fucking trend
Timmy Armstrong's your best friend
I don't wanna see you puke
I'm sick of your friends and you
You're a rancid motherfucker and I don't