Crenicichla is a genus of cichlids native to South America commonly known as the Pike cichlids. They are found in most of tropical and subtropical areas between the Andes and the Atlantic.
The smallest species of Crenicichla (notably members of the C. wallacii species group) are no larger than 6–14 cm (2.4–5.5 in), and technically qualify as "dwarf cichlids" for the aquarium hobby – though their aggressive and voracious habits should let prospective keepers beware. The biggest pike cichlids can grow to about 50 cm (20 in) long. Most Crenicichla measure in the range of 15–30 cm (6–12 in). Like many other predatory fishes, a pike cichlid has a wide mouth and elongated body.
Distribution and ecology
The genus Crenicichla is native to South America and lives in freshwater rivers, streams, pools, and lakes. The majority of the species are found in the Amazon Basin, but some species are found further north in The Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, and as far south as central Argentina and in all river systems of Uruguay.