The Cree (historical autonym: Nēhiraw; French: cri) are one of the largest groups of First Nations in North America, with over 200,000 members living in Canada. The major proportion of Cree in Canada live north and west of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories. About 38,000 live in Quebec.
In the United States, this Algonquian-speaking people historically lived from Lake Superior westward. Today, they live mostly in Montana, where they share a reservation with the Ojibwe (Chippewa).
The documented westward migration over time has been strongly associated with their roles as traders and hunters in the North American Fur Trade.
The Cree are generally divided into eight groups based on dialect and region. These divisions do not necessarily represent ethnic sub-divisions within the larger ethnic group:
Cree is a surname which has several separate origins in England, Scotland and Ireland. It occurs in all those countries today and also in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It is of Medium Frequency in Scotland and Northern Ireland (using the benchmarks of the Guild of One-Name Studies) (Spathaky 1998).
Prior to 1989 a few people had already researched their individual Cree ancestry in the UK (notably Brigadier Hilary Cree in Devon and members of the Yorkshire and Glasgow Cree lines). Robert H Cree in the USA had spent a lifetime researching five Cree lines emanating from western Pennsylvania in the late 18th Century. Cree surname research started in earnest in the UK in 1989 with the publication by Trevor Cree of a booklet listing all Cree entries from the Indexes to Birth, Marriages and Deaths (1837-1980) for England and Wales (Cree 1988). Entries from the 1988 IGI (International Genealogical Index) were also included. The surname is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies.
Cree is an Native American ethnic group.
Cree may also refer to:
"En Ti"
Remontaré con su peso en el pecho,
como una carpa al rio.
Me pintaré de payaso si eso lo que le hara reir.
Por él yo compraré las chuches agranel,
pondra el coche de lastima.
Por él no fumaré a gatas andaré,
y le veré creecer te ayudaré...
Él vive en ti se mueve en ti, con manos timidas,
en ti respira en ti, juega y no sabe que tu no lo querias.
Nos meteremos los tres en el baño, los enjabonaré.
Por él yo cambiaré las noches pasaré con él, cuidandole estaré.
Por él trabajaré, la moto venderé
y le protejeré, ¡¡¡ayudame!
Él vive en ti el rie en ti o esta provandonos
en ti, él esta en ti, duerme y quien sabe si esta escuchandonos.
Se acorucara, de tus senos bebera
con los puños cerca aqui dormira,
patadas dara, seremos su almohada tu y yooooo
(yeah) (ohh) (ohh)
Tu no lo quieres hoy y dice aqui estoy.
Él vive en ti, se acuna en ti, late dentro de ti,
en ti, él nada en ti, juega y quiza es él el hijo