The name Craven is much older than the modern district, and encompassed a larger area. This history is also reflected in the way the term is still commonly used, for example by the Church of England.
Craven has been the name of this district throughout recorded history. Its extent in the 11th century can be deduced from The Domesday Book but its boundaries now differ according to whether considering administration, taxation or religion.
The derivation of the name Craven is uncertain, yet a Celtic origin related to the word for garlic (craf in Welsh) has been suggested as has the proto-Celtic*krab- suggesting scratched or scraped in some sense and even an alleged pre-Celtic word cravona, supposed to mean a stony region.
In civic use the name Craven or Cravenshire had, before 1166, given way to Staincliffe. However the church Archdeaconry has kept its name as Craven throughout.
Well, I think you're obnoxious And I think that you stink I think you're a moron A slob, and a fink You're one of the biggest turkeys I know And that is the reason I'm going to Throw gravy on you And throw gravy on you
Last week’s Lyndon concert by the Finnish “Nordgrass” band, Frigg, provided a startling revelation of what can be accomplished with a Scandinavian bluegrass vibe accented by three blazing violins playing simultaneously. A total crowd-pleasing show.
How much do you tend to spend on yoga mats?. What about virtual reality headsets, mangoes or pool sliders?. If you're anything like me, your answer in all four cases will be 'not a penny' ... To them, I will only say this is easier said than done ... .
For all the bemoaning we do about the crassness, the bullying and the outright lying of Trump and his de facto co-president, Musk, to say nothing of Vance, we should not forget the dereliction of duty by this Congress, especially ... .
WITH the new tennis season fast approaching Gargrave-based CravenLawn Tennis Club is busy preparing to welcome new and existing members ... They are the only grass courts in Craven and ...