A craton (/ˈkreɪtɒn/, /ˈkrætɒn/, or /ˈkreɪtən/; from Greek: κράτος kratos "strength") is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere. Having often survived cycles of merging and rifting of continents, cratons are generally found in the interiors of tectonic plates. They are characteristically composed of ancient crystalline basement rock, which may be covered by younger sedimentary rock. They have a thick crust and deep lithospheric roots that extend as much as several hundred kilometres into the Earth's mantle.
The term craton is used to distinguish the stable portion of the continental crust from regions that are more geologically active and unstable. Cratons can be described as shields, in which the basement rock crops out at the surface, and platforms, in which the basement is overlaid by sediments and sedimentary rock.
The word craton was first proposed by the Austrian geologist Leopold Kober in 1921 as Kratogen, referring to stable continental platforms, and orogen as a term for mountain or orogenic belts. Later authors shortened the former term to kraton and then to craton.
Another day try to stand up straight;
keep the world from draggin' me,
down’; fight the flames that feed
the fire, but my mind keeps spinnin'
around. Holding on to what You
said, cuz I know Your words are
true; only way to win this fight is
to keep my eyes on, You
Fire and Love, the two extremes
that we live between. Fire and
Love, there’s more to life than the
eye can see.
Feelin' down, well I've been there
too; I know just how you, feel. A
winning hand from every side, it's
hard to tell what's real. Caught
between the two extremes, Feel
the pull from side to side. Trying
to run the easy road; just enough
to get you by.
Oh Lord, I know You've got the
answers; Oh Lord, I know You are
the Way. Oh Lord, I know You
are the Answer, Oh Lord, I need
You, everyday.